you may not see it
but it's there.
Discover the air pollution around you. We collect hourly air pollution data in Malta and compare it to global standards.
Toggle between the World Health Organisation (WHO) and European Union (EU) guidelines to view how each pollutant is rated.
Grayed out pollutants indicate that the guidelines are not specified for the specified timeframe.
20 °C
6.1 km/h
78 %
0 mm
Last updated 23 minutes ago.
Please note that the data displayed is sourced from ERA, and our platform does not guarantee its accuracy. Live data undergoes quality assurance and may not immediately reflect local variations such as proximity to busy roads or construction sites, which can increase air pollution exposure. Additionally, high levels of ozone (O3), which are more common in Malta due to abundant sunlight, should be cautiously interpreted. Weather conditions can also affect air quality, as indicated in this article.
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How does this work? provides hourly updates on air pollution in Malta and compares the data to global World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines. Our data comes from ERA's air monitoring stations around Malta, which is publicly available. Please note that we are not affiliated with ERA or any governmental entity. Our main goal is to make air quality data highly accessible, enabling individuals and organisations to make informed decisions for a healthier environment.
If your locality is marked as having a specific air quality, it does not necessarily reflect reality. You can read more about the limitations in the FAQ section below.

Your Health

Air pollutants are introduced in our body mainly through breathing. Inhaling pollutants causes stress to our organs, affecting our lungs, hearts, and brains, among other organs. It is a major contributor to premature deaths, but is also responsible for specific health problems such as asthma. The diseases mostly associated with air pollution include stroke, heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer, and pneumonia. Air pollution is one of the main contributors to the global disease burden. It is also reported that air-monitoring systems might be underestimating cancer risks
Impact on our Health

Our Mission

Our main goal is to empower you and the people of Malta with the necessary knowledge to understand air quality. By elevating public awareness and understanding, we can make better decisions about our health and the environment. This initiative is dedicated to educating about air pollution, enhancing data collection across Malta, empowering communities for environmental protection, and fostering collaborative efforts to address air pollution challenges.

Take Action

Are you ready to take steps to improve our air quality, our health, and our environment? Remember, beginning this journey is often the hardest part. One effective way to improve air quality is by reducing car usage. Opt for walking, cycling, or car-pooling to lessen your environmental impact. Here are some additional tips:
  1. Reduce your exposure. Adjust your daily routine to avoid rush hours and stay indoors on days with high pollution levels. This can significantly minimize your exposure to pollutants.
  2. Plant Trees. Trees are natural air filters. They also provide shade, reduce noise pollution, and beautify streets, making walking and cycling more enjoyable and thereby promoting these eco-friendly modes of transport.
  3. Report. If you see a vehicle emitting excessive pollution, report it.Send an SMS to 50611899 with the vehicle's registration plate number. Encourage others to do the same, as Transport Malta requires three reports within a three-month period to take action."


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  • Donate or Sponsor. If you are a company or organization, you can help maintain the project to keep it up and running.
  • Spread the word. Share platform on social media, write about it in the news, or just tell your friends about it.
  • Contribute to the content. You can write articles about health, pollution, technology or anything you might conjure. You can also help improve existing content.
  • Get those brain juices flowing. If you have any great ideas for this platform, reach out and let's talk about it.



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